The best solutions also in case support is needed, starting from ideas.

Gnodi Service technical office assists the customer in the choice of equipment, fitting design and customisation.

The consolidated experience in the sector allows suggesting the best solutions also in case support is needed, starting from ideas.

The Gnodi Service specialized personnel offers a study for the existing or planned plant. A work aimed at the needs of the customer, which can end in the development of a new project or in the optimization of an existing one.

Gnodi Service (13.39 MB)


Sales professional Kitchens

The most important brands, the best prices and a highly competent consultancy service.
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The efficiency of a kitchen is essential.
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Full Service

A “turn-key” solution.
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Regeneration Process

New life to used equipment.
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Modular coffee shops and kitchens

Rental and sale of bars, kitchens and cooking centers in modular structure.
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